I am doing great. I am working hard to get up on time and go running
before the vault. Today was the first time in 3 weeks I haven't been
up before
5:30 am but it is my Temple and Research day. I will be
working on trying to figure out where Leo James Gonyer was born and
who his parents are. I found a census record that says Leo was
Marshall and Katherine Thibodeau's son, but I am still searching. I
love the feeling when you find a record that solves a family mystery.
I love the work that I am doing. It is the work of the Savior and is a
huge part of the Plan of Salvation. I am so glad I am serving in the
Family and Church History Headquarters Mission. I love the people I
work with at the Vault. I work in one of the very few places in the
world that I would be safe from a nuclear war. It is 100% Bomb proof
and everything proof. I serve at the Granite Mountain Records Vault.
It is such an honor to be able to work at the GMRV because only six
young elders in the whole world get the opportunity to serve there at
one time. Well I am doing great and I am working hard. I hope all is
well on the home front. I am glad to see that Molly is doing Fantastic!
She looks Great! Thank you for your support. I love you all. Thank you
for everything you do.
Love Elder Michael Mann Farnsworth